fortyfikacje novae


 The Emergence of a Common Culture in the Northern Provinces of the Roman Empire from Britain to the Black Sea up to 212 A.D.


The aim of the project: to show in the most accessible way possible, how for the first time in the history of the European continent the culturally monolithic area from the British Islands to the mouth of the Danube came into being. The process of the cultural unification during the first ages of our era, similar to the processes occuring at present in uniting Europe, is presented throughout the three subjects: ethnic and political structures of the bordering region at the time of the first contacts of Rome, transfer and implementation of the cultural and Roman civilization achievements, their adaptation by the local societies.

Concrete effect of the project: electronic database (visual materials, text, literature of the subject) available in English and other languages, to the broad recipients in the web, travelling poster exhibition to the countries participating in the project, international publication of the new research results available at the address Transformation

The main points of presentation: creatrion of the Roman provincial structures of management and administration as well as the local administration; emergence and development of the civitates capitals, vici and colonies; implementation and development of villae landscape as well as exploitation and processing of raw materials; development and changes in cults and religious sphere, burial rituals, and changes of costumes, literacy and eventually Roman influences in Barbaricum.

The way of presentation: the most important visual element are be the maps introducing the development in time and space in dynamic frames providing the subsequent presentations from general to detail. The main stages of development are taken into consideration: the period of the military control, integration and the situation around A.D. 212, when the free inhabitants of the Empire were granted Roman citizenship.

Participants of the project: ten archaeological placówek (museums, conservatory service departments, research institutes, university departments) from ten countries:

Austria - Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut, Wien

Bulgaria - Археологич. институт и музей, Българска Академия на науките, Sofia

Czech Republic - Archeologický ústav AV ÈR, Brno

Holland - Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, Amersfort

Germany- Museum für Antike Schiffahrt, Mainz

Poland - Instytut Archeologii UW, Warszawa

Romania - Institutul de Arheologie ºi Istoria Artei, Academia Romanã, Cluj-Napoca

Slovakia - Slovenské Národné Muzeum, Bratislava

Hungary - Eötvös Loránd-Universität, Budapest

Great Britai - Arbeia Roman Fort and Museum, South Shields

Duration of the project: 1.VII.2004 – 30.VI.2007

Polish participation: The Polish participant is the Department of Archaeology of the Roman Provinces, University of Warsaw (a responsible person: prof. dr Tadeusz Sarnowski). Together with the Bulgarian partner we are responsible for the presentation of the provinces situated on the Lower Danube - the Upper and Lower Moesia, which area covers today four countries, that is Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and the Dobrogean part of Romania. Our task then, is uncomparably more difficult than the collegues from other institutions, who prepare the database and work on their convincing and transparent availability on the basis of the materials published mainly in their mother tongues, and in their own countries. We have accepted a task of of making the majority of the maps (35), gathering and i processing the illustrations to almost all, detailed topics, as well as description of the several subjects (emergence and development of vici, Greek and Latin languages in the Moesian provinces, legal status of the local civitates and their inhabitants, cults civitates and the settlements of local inhabitants). Particular emphasis is put on the presentation of the excavation results of the expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw in Bulgaria (the Roman military base at Novae with its defensive fortifications, headquarters, barracks and hypothetical house of a legionary legate), and partly also in the Crimea (the sancturary of the Jupiter of Doliche in Balaklava, the Roman military post in Inkerman and farms from the Roman period in the surroundings of Sevastopol), protected in the 2nd and 3rd cent. by the Roman army from the Lower Moesia. A great share in visual material prepared and shared by us have digital reconstructions of different architectural monuments, both from ours and Bulgarian and Romanian field surveys (a person responsible: mgr J. Kaniszewski).

See also: Transformation